Friday, January 20, 2006

The Question of the Day

Why is it that children not only want you to clean up after them, remind them to brush their teeth, buy them the very latest games for the computer, do all their laundry, not yell at them for not putting the laundry away that you have worked to clean and fold, have a tasty dinner on the table, always have snack food in the pantry for them, help them with their school homework, magically make them KNOW their multiplication tables, play 20 questions with them in the car every time, listen to their station in the car, read 4 books to them before they go to bed, get them a glass of water after you have put them in bed they also want you to be happy, understanding, funny, cool, sympathetic and loving but not too much and not when they don't want to be?

Is that right to demand all of that?

I want to see the contract.

1 comment:

Jen said...

It's in the fine print. I got screwed too.