Friday, January 13, 2006

Nocturnal life

I feel like I am living in a dream. I have been doing a route at night and listening to The Chronicles of Narnia on CD. I am into book 5 right now. Every night I spend 2 hours with Aslan, Lucy, Edmund, Prince Caspian, dwarves and talking mice, beavers and all other sorts of animals. Coming back to our world is sometimes a little hard. Especially when it involves a sprinkler box.

The other night I was doing the route. It is mostly home delivery and so my window is open as I plow along the roads to the next house. The volume on my stereo is up very loud so I can hear what Lucy and Edmund are saying through the wind and snow. I came to a house that I have to porch the paper. I decide that it will only take me a second to get out and back in so I leave my door open, stereo blasting through the night and run up to the door. Right at the door, I turn my ankle and fall down on the snowy grass. Underneath the snowy grass is their sprinkler box that is probably 5 or 6 inches above ground. That is what cushioned my bum’s fall. Oh, the pain. I had to lay there for some asinine amount of time breathing in and out holding onto my bum and my ankle. All the while the stereo is blasting out Vanessa Redgrave doing a shrill impression of the warrior mouse Reepicheep starting a fight with a sea serpent. I’m sure I prayed to Aslan that nobody would wake up and call the police about a dead body lying in the front of the lawn and the 100 decibel noise that was going on throughout the neighborhood. And the neighborhood did sleep on and finally I was able to rise and get in my car and drive on.

The next night I turned off the stereo when I made my way out of the car to porch the paper.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hahahaha, what an image! I think it would be very very hard to come back from that world every day. But I am thinking of re-reading them. Either those or Outlander.

OMG!!!! You know that mystery about Jamie from the first book???? WHAT IF IT IS JEMMIE???