Wednesday, January 25, 2006


For the most part I have very easy going children so when they develop and/or cultivate their own harmless preferences I cater to it. My youngest who is 4 has had an obsession with the color orange since he could name the colors and tell us about it. Although he now will say that his favorite color is orange AND red AND black, there is a very noticeable influx of the color orange in our house.
Take for instance our choice of snacks. Our all time favorites are Clementine oranges, puffy cheetohs and carrots with “white sauce.” I cannot keep enough Clementine oranges in our house. No seeds and very little rind make these disappear like magic. Believe me I am not complaining but 6 pounds of oranges a week should be enough for 7 people. No, there is no empirical evidence that these snacks were deemed the favorite because of their color but they certainly are always in our kitchen now and never before.
Lead the way into Cooper’s closet. There you will find an size 5 orange fishing vest, an very well worn orange hoodie, 2 orange long sleeve shirts, 3 orange short sleeved shirts and 1 orange hat. Many of the blue and yellow apparel hanging up in the closet have borders and decals that are the bright color that we love as well.
Lastly, the refrigerator. Here is where we put up all the school art projects. Currently there is a picture of a rudely cut snowman that is colored orange. According to his teacher when she asked Cooper why the snowman was orange he replied, “Because he drank too much orange juice this morning for breakfast.” Baby Jesus was sporting an orange swaddling blanket, the planets in the galaxy all have large orangish rings around them and Paul Bunyon changed his big ox’s name from Blue to Orange.
If you think that we can find an unused orange crayon in our house, you didn’t read the above. If you think that we didn’t have a discussion when that boy auditioned on American Idol with his matching orange shirt, belt and socks, you come and ask Cooper why his mom is so mean. And he will tell you that I told him that I would not allow him to accessorize with orange socks at so young an age.......And probably as long as he maintains the male gender.

1 comment:

Jen said...


I think this is hilarious. I love it. That is freaking awesome.

Are you still collecting pigs? ;)