Tuesday, January 10, 2006

7 more days

Forget Jan 1st. The real new year has not even started. It will start January 17th.

Shouldn’t that be enough? Everybody should know what I am talking about. My family does. It is the American Idol premiere!!

Secret shame or not. I LOVE it! I LOVE it! Admittedly, I would not love it half as much if I didn’t have TIVO and could not fast forward through commercials. I have no patience for 4.5 minutes of commercials every 11.5 minutes of a program. But I do and it works and so I go on loving the competition.

I LOVE Simon Cowell as well. I like somebody who calls it as they see it. I don’t always agree with him but I think that me watching a performance on TV and him watching it in person probably is so very much different. He says that he thinks that this is the best year yet. Have heard that one before but I think that last year was the best year we had seen so I am willing to believe that the competition got stiffer this year as well. He says that the boys are stronger this year. (I love Bo Bice. He should have won.) He also says that there is a lot of younger talent this year. This is where he and I don’t agree. I think that there should be an age minimum as well as a maximum. (Diana DeGarmo needed to finish school instead of be on American Idol. Of course, she is debuting on Broadway as I write this post so what do I know?) I can’t remember the name of the other young chickadee but it was painful to watch her not be able to cope with negative comments and getting cut off the show. I also heard a rumor that somebody from Utah made the top 12 this year. It was so fun to cheer for JPL (Idaho) 2 seasons ago. His Elvis song rocked.

So, next Tuesday night.
7 more days.


Sp00kalot said...

I like the show too. Its a pretty ingenius show. They lure you in with the crappy auditions, then keep you there until your favorite diva wins. It seems though you hear more of the runner ups on the radio than the winners. I do believe Kelly Clarkson has an amazing voice and she's all over the air waves. But what ever happened to Ruben? Last I saw him he was on Montel or something, sweating profusely.

And Simon always promises this season as the best ever. We'll see.

Jen said...

Hilarious! I have never seen it. I always forget it is on.