Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Trixie Belden

When Ryan was born, I had visions of my offspring dancing around my head with books. Books, books, books. I was so excited to share my love of books with my children. I have several of my most favorite childhood books that I still read almost every year. Miss Jellytot’s Visit, The Ghosts who went to School, The Haunted House, Mrs. Mike, Trixie Belden Mysteries. Sigh. Trixie Belden.
When Ryan was 2 years old, I decided there was no time to waste. I needed to have the entire 39 book series of Trixie Belden books for her. I was a SAHM at the time and we didn’t have a lot of money. I put the word out to my father and my mother in law who are both used book shoppers. Soon books came trickling in. #4, #9, #15, another #4. I reread them all and it only increased my zeal.
I had to have the entire series. I called a book dealer and asked for the entire set up to 35. Now these books were written between 1946 and 1986. They went out of print until 2003 when they reprinted books 1 through 4. I can’t remember how much I paid for them. They went straight on the credit card and a word was never spoken to my husband. I remember opening the box in the kitchen and looking at the pictures as though they were portraits of real people that had lived before. That summer I read Trixie until I was deliciously sick to death of her.
I started reading #1 The Secret of the Mansion to Ryan when she was 5 years old. I knew it was not going to work but I tried. I thought I could instill a love in her for the books before she could even read. Nope.
It turns out that I turned her off to books completely. My first two children—the ones I stayed home with and read at least 5 books to every day---do not like to read at all. My very biggest failure as a mother…….at least up to now.
So those books have stayed buried in her closet despite my attempts to resuscitate the Trixie Belden love. Finally just a month ago I pulled them out of Ryan’s closet and brought them upstairs to my bedroom. I have two bookshelves in my room. They are laden with my very best friends, my most fervent lovers, my guiding lights and my private secret shames. Trixie belongs here. I didn't know I was missing her but I have never slept better in my life.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh, that breaks my heart! My Trixie books are in my dining room hutch. I loved this post. I don't know if I have the whole series, but I have a lot.