Tuesday, September 13, 2005

How we deal with drugs at our house

We were sitting around the table eating dinner on a normal Tuesday night. I think we were almost done and by that I mean Chase was finished and itching to get away from the table. Bart decides to have a heart to heart talk with the kids about drugs. I know that he has had heard a truly rough story today and that this is fueling his actions.
"What do you know about drugs?" "Do you know anybody that does drugs?"
Hopefully I am right in saying that my children are still a little too young for a lot of interfacing with drugs. That may have been the reason for the blank faces. The uninterested stares. The tapping foot. The finger tracing the salad dressing that had fallen on the table.
They sat up a little straighter as Bart says "You know, drugs are illegal. You can get arrested and get in trouble with the police."
I sat up a little straighter as he continued, "....but you don't have to be afraid of the police. You have to be afraid of me. Because I will kick your ass if I ever find out that you are doing drugs."
I now go behind the kid's backs and start making frantic waving motions at this father. He ignores me.
"You will not be allowed in our house. I will kick your asses. I will make sure that you will hurt so bad you won't ever want to take drugs again." Chase may have let a snicker escape his lips. My husband is not an angry man. He does not threaten and he barely spanks. My kids have no reason to think that this threat is real. He notices the slip, "Look at me. Do I look like I am kidding to you? I am telling you right now so there are no mistakes. I promise I will kick your ass if I find out you have been doing drugs, if you have been involved in drugs in any way."
I see that he is winding down a bit. There is no way for me to go back on this promise that he has so emotionally made. The best I can do is temper it.
"Kids, you must believe that your father is saying this to you because he really and truly loves you."


Jen said...

I actually really liked this. Stealing it for Blogging Baby.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! I think I am going to use this tactic when my own children are old enough..thank you!

matthew said...

Your children will be excellent candidates to use drugs when they start into teenage rebellion, if this is the approach your husband is really taking. Informed education is a better approach.