Thursday, September 01, 2005

Our new pet peeve

Remember in the movie Mr. Mom when Michael Keaton drives his kids to school the first day of his unemployed life and the lady screams at him for entering in the exit lane at the school? Anybody remember her name?

Chase is in 5th grade and we live quite a few busy streets away from the elementary school. We were bus kids until last year when they took our neighborhood and quite a few others out of the budget. Last year Ryan was still going to that same school so I reasoned that they could stay together and bike to school. This year Chase has nobody to bike with. Hence, I started to participate in a carpool. I drive Chase along with three blonde 5th graders. I feel like Charlie and the Angel's chauffeur.

Anyhow, the reason for this post is finally coming. I can't believe how bad mothers drive! I will be forced into swearing, cussing and maybe getting out of my car and making hand gestures before the end of the year and I just drive T-W-TH mornings. There are two lanes that follow a fairly large half circle on the school property. You would think the one next to the curb would be for unloading and the outside lane would be for getting the hell out. No, I have watched parents stop in the middle of both lanes and then get out to get their child's scooter out the back of the car. I have seen mothers pull up in the middle of the half circle and get out and GO IN THE SCHOOL! I have watched parents in the outside lane pull in front of me as I have very nicely waited in the unloading zone for other cars to leave. Don't pull into the outside lane until you have dropped your child off. It is a getting out lane, not a butting in line lane. Unfortunately I seem to be the only one who knows that.

Bart is in charge of the jr high carpool. They have to be at school by 7:15 am. He drives W-TH-F mornings. Bart called me today and said "I have two things for you. One, I don't think I will be able to drive the 7th graders to school any longer."
"Why not?"
"Because nobody can drive worth a shit over there! I have been cut off and the lady pulls in at a 45 degree angle to let the kids out! What the hell is that about?!"
"I know. I see the same thing at the Elementary school. The same exact thing. It is probably the same mothers."
"I am going to buy $300 worth of orange cones and I will even volunteer to set them up at 6:30 am every morning so that people know you only drop off in the unloading lane. When is the next PTA meeting. I am going to be there."

So, here it is. The warning not to move to Utah if you have kids. Or at least move onto the bus routes because carpooling is for the birds!


Jen said...

That is hilarious. I drive my kids to school every day and pick them up-- everybody plays nice here. I guess I don't appreciate that! I got your email-- will write you a long one tomorrow and update your site!

Carissa said...

The school should have someone out there directing the traffic. Someone is going to get hurt on their property and they are gonna get SUED.

Our school has people who are designated to be in charge of traffic control in the morning and in the afternoon. You might suggest it.

I've only dropped off in the a.m. a few times - I think that is usually the music teacher and/or a caffeteria worker. In the afternoon it's usually three people - a janitor, the art teacher and one other teacher.