Monday, September 26, 2005


Once upon a time there was a prince and a princess that lived in the land of Utah. They had three children and many friends that lived in neighboring castles in the land of Utah. They were very happy. There was many good relation building banquets and feasts held and friendships were strengthened. They went on trips and outings and everything was happily ever after.
But as the princess became better friends with her neighbors she found she did not like the other princes so much. She found that the other princesses sometimes did not like the other princes so much either. There was whisperings of princes shacking up with maids in waiting and princes using royal jewels to buy silly things like additional carriages or crowns. There was much agitation and grief that overcame the land. The princess got so caught up in all the going ons that she started getting bogged down inside. All her royal rage wanted to make things right. Things should be right, shouldn’t they? The princess definitely lived in a castle away from the real world. No, she hid in the castle. She loved the castle and loved the world that she created inside the castle. She wanted to believe that all people were good and that all marriages were positive and ever after. She wanted to believe that she could shame princes into doing what she thought was right. She wanted to believe so much………that when it didn’t happen she turned into a fire breathing dragon! Her wrath was great and frightening. Everyone cowered before her. Everyone except her prince. He knew he could kill the beast. He looked at the princess and said, “I’m listening.” And the dragon/princess ranted and raved, breathing her fiery breath, singeing the prince’s eyebrows until her tears put the fire out and slowly she regained herself.
Next the princess announced that she hereby decreed that her royal family would move away from the land of Utah to “Pleasantville.” She stamped her feet and decreed and decreed and decreed. Where there was no agitation. No weeping and wailing. No natural disasters. And especially no rumours or murmurings of divorce.
However, the prince was a little less emotional (notice, I didn’t say smarter) than the princess and he held both of her hands in his and said
“There is no true Pleasantville. It is a fairy tale. For as soon as you got to know the new people and were involved in their lives you would see that there are problems all over.”
And the princess knew this to be true. She also knew that the dragon would come back but with the help of her dear prince she could again rid herself of the beast and that, my friends, is living happily ever after in the real world.

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