Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Heraldo's corner---Drama, drama, drama!

Bart has a friend that has had some serious relationship nasties. He has been divorced….I think it was 6 months after he got married. He then spent several years as the single guy who tried out internet dating, bar dating, not dating and set ups. He may know every single woman living in our town.
Honestly he is not a bad guy. He is so anal---girls, that means he is clean and likes things a certain way. (If you know my slob of a husband, I will admit sometimes he is a little more handsome to me when I see him packing up his perfectly aligned camping bag that he takes on our camping trips.) He is…….cute. Not extremely handsome but definitely not ugly. Certainly takes care of himself. And he is tall and likes nice clothes. He is not losing his hair and he calls his grandma every week or so.
Lately he has been with this woman we will call Tiffany….which is her real name. I have no desire to protect the guilty. The best story about them is during one of the first overnight dates Tiffany found out she was allergic to one of the plastics that some companies make their condoms with. This entailed a trip to the emergency room. Can you even imagine?!?
She is a mortgage broker which means she gets paid on commission of loans. If there are no loans, there is no money. She does have 2 kids so she does get paid child support from two different men. While our friend and Tiffany have been dating she has had months where she had no income so he has had to pay for everything. For the house payment, the new car he bought her (I didn’t say he wasn’t stupid) and groceries. He also was maintaining his apartment as he didn’t want to commit entirely too soon. (I didn’t say he was braindead.)
To make a long story short, they just signed a loan where our friend took the house and all the debt in his name on Friday morning. Friday afternoon they were supposed to make the annual Labor Day Boulder Mountain trip with us and only our friend showed up. And now our friend is living at my house.
He is calling it a strained relationship. I call it a DEAD relationship. Tell me am I right or is he right? Because I am going to be killed and made into strained peas if Bart or our friend ever find out that I posted this!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are right. What an idiot. He might as well be braindead. The day he takes over financial responsibility for her house he ends up not living there? Um, that is so wrong, on so many levels. She played him for a big sucker.