Friday, May 12, 2006

Oh, him!

I know that he is in Africa with Angelina. I know that he is currently getting ready to have a baby and probably spent the day looking through the Pottery Barn Kids catalogue for crib bedding. I know these things because you can't listen to the radio, go through a check out line in the grocery store or listen to a conversation between two women and not learn a little tidbit about the man.

It is a good thing that I know these things because otherwise I would SWEAR that Brad Pitt just played Soccer girls vs Parents today with us. And that he has been attending his daughter's soccer games all this past season with his blonde Utah native wife.

I know that he is not exceptionally popular at this time and I completely agree. I am sick, sick, sick of Brangelina, previously known as the husband of Jen. But OHMIGOSH! his Utah counterpart is SO dang swarthy and sexy I find myself wanting to watch Fight Club and Mr. and Mrs. Smith........or just having another soccer game.

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