Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I may not be over it yet

This past Saturday morning I spent my time cleaning up spray paint from somebody’s vandalizing “good time” on my house and 4 of my neighbor’s houses. I have to say that I felt more than a little violated even though it was absolutely random and not directed at anyone in particular. I can’t even imagine how people who have had their houses burglarized feel. And how sorry I feel for them. Because my knee jerk reaction was to “start packing and let’s move out of this neighborhood. See ya!” I have since calmed down from that but still. Still. Still I am quite upset at the world finally entering into my little bubble of life. I was going to write how very sad I was that we have so little respect for other people. How society was going downhill. And then I think back on the images on my television set showing Middle Eastern streets where you can’t even walk to work without fear of a suicide bomber. I think back to the documentary on poverty in America where there is a whole town 75 miles outside Chicago with no running water. And I am going to go all ga-ga about somebody spray painting something on my house? And yet, yes I am. I may not be going out and joining the peace corp to go help out in a third world country and I may not be as politically active as I would like or think I should be but I am NOT going out of my way to destroy things of value. I am NOT spending my time writing racial slurs and sailor type profanity on fences for hundreds of children to read. I am NOT trying to make a neighborhood feel less secure and more suspicious of all who walk the streets. And I did not do that when I was younger either. That is a ridiculous excuse.
And it wasn’t the actual defacing of my house, my material possessions that made me so mad about this. (Because Goof Off took it off completely and really fast too.) It truly dismays me that humans are using their precious life energy for vile and vindictive acts. And that people don’t value their hopefully 70 years of life enough to want to spend their time doing those things. I don’t like to think of the world becoming more evil but sometimes the evidence is just too IN YOUR FACE.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh, that sucks! That sucks so much! I would feel so violated, too. I am so sorry. Ick. Ick. Ick.