Sunday, October 09, 2005

Feast or famine

I am in Pocatello Idaho tonight posting this blog. Remember the staff meeting thought of the day. I was so very right and my Montana coworker is no longer with the company. (And then there were just 5.) Hence, I am working in her old district for the week. (And I think mayhaps there will soon only be 4.)
I have checked myself into the nicest hotel here in Pocatello. Holiday Inn. It has an indoor pool and a 24 hour exercise room. I brought my own body pillow and am still regretting not bringing my flannel sheets, however, I will survive. Friday night I actually went to the store at 11:30 pm just to do something alone for a second. I don't think I have been alone for 3 or 4 weeks with Amra, Carla being on vacation for a week, work and football and soccer going on. Now I am faced with the prospects of a whole week with no family. Hmmmm.........

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm glad Amra is doing better, and that you get some time alone. I will be without kids for a week starting tomorrow, and Saturday, flying to Canada.

But I'll have a roommate!

So, did Bart get snipped or not?