Saturday, October 08, 2005

Always something to pray for

Well, Amra, Bart's sister is doing really well! She is still in the hospital but is out of ICU and is the rehabiliatation unit. They are working on getting all her movement back on her left side. She has gained a lot of more movement in her left arm but her hand is still giving her trouble.
The "experts" still maintain that the stroke came from a combination of factors including her birth control pills that she has been on for about 10 years, dehydration and heredity. Several people have had strokes in Bart's family but most were very much older. Bart's grandfather was one of the ones that was not very old. He had several strokes until he was pretty much paralyzed on one side and he decided to take his own life. Not very surprising if you know the Peterson men. They are doers, not sitters. Not talkers, not thinkers. Doers. It wasn't until just a few years ago that we found out about the suicide. Just our little family and Bart's dad was at the cemetary on Memorial Day and Bart's dad just started talking. He is the 2nd youngest in the family and was only 9 or 10 when it happened. He told us that there was a gun that resided in the basement of their house that anybody could use to shoot rabbits or birds, etc. but the one rule was that it must be cleaned and put away afterward. Nolan had used the gun and I guess while he was out that day his father killed himself down in the basement. Nolan told us he opened the basement door to return the gun when he was almost physically stopped from going down the stairs. He tried again because he knew he had to get that gun to it's original resting place. The same thing happened again. He said he sat there for half hour before finally laying the gun on the top step and closing the door. His mother eventually was the one who found his father. I don't know if I was more amazed that his father told us that story or that it happened.
However, I digress. Amra is doing better but she does have another blood clot/residue of the first blood clot showing up in the post surgery MRI. They are hoping to dissolve it with blood thinners rather than another surgery. Any prayers are appreciated.

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