Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Attitude started early

Ryan is 12 now. And already she is a black belt in eye rolling. She knows just how to make the most of the silent burn that starts as I watch her eyeballs roll away from their optical windows and laugh at me behind the still open lids.

When Ryan was 2, Bart started a 7 day on and 7 day off job. He began to share in the primary caregiving. Cough. Cough. Promptly Ryan figured out that Daddy had no problem giving out candy instead of meals. Daddy had no problem watching Lion King ALL day long instead of limiting it to one viewing and then going outside or setting up a play date. Daddy was the smack! Daddy didn’t blow noses with a tissue. He used a shirt sleeve.
Being a new mother, I did not appreciate Bart’s usurping the of the mother/child bond. (By the third child, I made sure that Bart’s side of the bed is the closest to the door.) I was miffed at the “misplaced” affection that Ryan had for Bart. One day we were all headed out the door for somewhere and the dialogue went exactly like this:
“Ryan, are you Daddy’s girl?” Bart is a rub in your face kind of guy.
“Yes, Daddy.”
Ryan, are you Mommy’s girl?” I asked.
“You know, you could be both a Mommy AND Daddy’s girl. Can you be a Mommy AND Daddy’s girl?”
“I can.........…..but I am NOT!”
Bart kept us apart for days after.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Happy Birthday!

Oh, ouch, what a post!