When Bart and I were newly married, we had the opportunity to redecorate our room. It was mandated that it must be masculine. I don't really remember if I was still in the the honeymoon stage or what but I went along with a duck hunter theme. Our colors were green, blue and maroon.
In our second house I remember deciding it was time for a new theme in the master bedroom. I wanted something a little more feminine. Bart came completely undo. He would call me in the middle of the day several time a day making sure I was not out shopping for flowery bedding. I couldn't believe the sudden interest in interior design. Finally I found a bedding set that I really liked. Of course, it was flowery. I stood in the store and debated with myself. I decided that I did know my husband well enough. He was too lazy to act if the bedding was already bought AND the bed was already made up. Sure I would take the grumbling but the battle would be won. I bought the bedding. And I made up the bed.
And that night I slept alone in my flowery wonderland. Bart slept on the couch because he would not sleep in flowers. And he slept on the couch the next night as well. I learned just how stubborn my husband could be. And it was not a pretty sight. I settled for stripes and solids in that house.
We are now living in our fourth house. Bart is very aware that I have a bedding fetish. All beds in my house have at least 3 sets of sheets and then another 2 sets of flannels. I don't insist on real expensive bedding but I do insist on routine change for cleanliness and beauty. Bart and I are well into our second decade of marriage. And right now Bart is upstairs sleeping in flowery sheets and on top of those flowery sheets is a flowery piece quilt. This week is the first week that I have ever dared put both flowery inside bedding and flowery outer bedding covers on our bed. And for past two nights it has been something akin to glee that I feel when I look over and see a flower above his eyebrow and know there is a flower under his bum and a flower hovering over his foot.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
They kicked my butt
So, for the past 4 months I have been teaching kindergarten. It has been an interesting change of pace in my life. I think that it is probably what I should have invested my college career in but feeling so rebellious at Brigham Young University I could not have entered into the Elementary Education program. It is a shame that I really didn't know myself that well back then. And that is one of my regrets that I really don't feel like I got anything substantial out of college as far as education goes. But we were talking about kindergarten.
I was hired because the two other kindergarten teachers felt that they needed to split their classes of 26 each to be able to have better control. I was able to help them with that. I would like to say that I got all the bad ones and while I certainly have my own share and likely another share as well, the other teachers still have their hands full.
My other two colleagues both just finished their master degrees in elementary education. Both are mothers and just as busy as I or more so. I really like both of them even though their styles could not be more different. They were a big part of the reason that I chose this school and kindergarten rather than another position in a more prestigious school teaching 6th grade part time. The other reason was the school's proximity to my house and the principal of the school I am currently working at.
However, all these wonderful people do not abide with me in the classroom. It is just me, myself and I along with my 19 little compadres. And sometimes the ratio is not a good one. Just last Thursday I was evaluated by my principal. He is intimately aware of my students and our problems. He was the one who suspended one. He is the one that took the phone call about another one trying to burn down his house. He knows. However, I had put together a very good lesson that included "engaging learning activities." (That means fun.) I know what a regular day looks like in my classroom but this day was beyond even my expectations.
Their are several survival techniques that I employ on a daily basis. I love small group. I am a believer that most intellectual learning happens during small group. Whole group is just simply a social skills lesson at all times which is what is needed in kindergarten. The principal must witness a whole group activity,(usually lesson) a team activity (game played at tables of 5. Sharing and taking turns is so hard for kindergarteners) and an individual assessment. (worksheet) He ended up not just taking but carrying Mr. Suspension out of the classroom during the whole group activity and then Mr. Pyro was physically placed in time out during the team activity.
They kicked my butt.
I love school because every day is new. For me. For them. I showed up on Friday and after going over listening procedures and spending a few minutes having the class observe the top of their tables close up we had a pretty good day.
I am interested to see what Monday will bring.
I was hired because the two other kindergarten teachers felt that they needed to split their classes of 26 each to be able to have better control. I was able to help them with that. I would like to say that I got all the bad ones and while I certainly have my own share and likely another share as well, the other teachers still have their hands full.
My other two colleagues both just finished their master degrees in elementary education. Both are mothers and just as busy as I or more so. I really like both of them even though their styles could not be more different. They were a big part of the reason that I chose this school and kindergarten rather than another position in a more prestigious school teaching 6th grade part time. The other reason was the school's proximity to my house and the principal of the school I am currently working at.
However, all these wonderful people do not abide with me in the classroom. It is just me, myself and I along with my 19 little compadres. And sometimes the ratio is not a good one. Just last Thursday I was evaluated by my principal. He is intimately aware of my students and our problems. He was the one who suspended one. He is the one that took the phone call about another one trying to burn down his house. He knows. However, I had put together a very good lesson that included "engaging learning activities." (That means fun.) I know what a regular day looks like in my classroom but this day was beyond even my expectations.
Their are several survival techniques that I employ on a daily basis. I love small group. I am a believer that most intellectual learning happens during small group. Whole group is just simply a social skills lesson at all times which is what is needed in kindergarten. The principal must witness a whole group activity,(usually lesson) a team activity (game played at tables of 5. Sharing and taking turns is so hard for kindergarteners) and an individual assessment. (worksheet) He ended up not just taking but carrying Mr. Suspension out of the classroom during the whole group activity and then Mr. Pyro was physically placed in time out during the team activity.
They kicked my butt.
I love school because every day is new. For me. For them. I showed up on Friday and after going over listening procedures and spending a few minutes having the class observe the top of their tables close up we had a pretty good day.
I am interested to see what Monday will bring.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
How this picture came about
Ryan and I went to a church function tonight and we had to have a picture taken of the two of us.
And I looked so fat in the picture. So fat. And it made me so sad. Over the beginning of the school year and the beginning of my new job I was able to lose 20 pounds. I was so nervous about teaching each and every day that I just could not eat. I hate the fact that going to the gym really does not do anything for the weight. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. Limiting food intake is the key to weight loss. Since I have been feeling more comfortable in my class and over the holidays I have regained my appetite. The gym I am sure has helped me maintain my weight loss but I have not been able to lose anymore. I still have 20 more to go. But as I am the one looking in the mirror I know the additional 20 pounds is not all in my face and the picture taken at the church made it look like the weight was all surrounding my nose.
Pictures make me realize that I am old. This is one of the pictures we took. It is proof that my skin is old, my lips are old and my teeth need some braces.
So the evening turned into a quest of just one picture of me that was acceptable. Digital cameras come in very handy when you are searching for such an elusive treasure.
I may need to hire a professional.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Words of the Day
Sad teeth
They really have nothing to do with each other,
these two words.
The first is simply how I feel about Heath Ledger.
His smile in 10 Things I Hate About You is
A legend.
His character in A Knight's Tale made me laugh.
He was 28.
He had most everything and yet it still didn't make him happy.
That makes me sad.
Ryan got her braces off her teeth today.
She is officially braceless as of 12:10 this afternoon.
I don't know what is more luminescent
Her blinding whiteness or
her unconcealed headiness at being braceless.
I know that youth is beautiful
but Ryan is also encircled with my heart's love
and that makes her breath taking.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
6 months later
Hello? Hello?? Hello???
Exactly. Exactly 6 months later. Can that be a sign?
I definately need a new font for 2008.
Blogger does not really give you a whole bunch of variety on the font scene. It makes me rather peevish about finishing the post. But I promised myself that I would. It is still January and vague and random ideas are still mulling in my brain for resolutions.
- I will be running in some races this year.
- I will be taking classes this year.
- I will be blogging this year.
- I will be gettting my photos and my family's photos in some organizational design this year.
- I will be going on a envy breeding vacation this year.
I am actually taking a class already this year so things are in motion. I have also started a whole new career as of 4 months ago. I have been thinking of changing my blog banner. Tune in again for a couple of options.
For now I will leave you with another pictorial image of this past 2007 Christmas.

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