Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm back

Ok. Ok. I'm back.

I mean, I never really went anywhere but for some reason the past few months I have found it hard to press the publish button. I think I sortof wanted some kind of great big 2007 beginning of the new year post and then when that didn't come I just let procrastination get in the way. And some other little things. I realized that I hadn't taken one picture either so the documentation of my life just came to a complete stand still. So, here I go again. For better or worse. It is a little like ripping off a bandaid. Just fast and immediate so that the pain is quick and short. Nothing really much on this post. But if you come back.....there are things still to say.

And I promise I will say them even if nobody helps me to turn my blog background to yellow.


Jen said...

I can do yellow.

Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I missed you...I know, a very one sided friendship it is when you don't even know I'm here...but I am and I'm glad to know you are too! I've been waiting to see if you were headed to Idaho or not...and now that you're not...we should get after Raquel to throw another party...this is her sister-in-law, btw...have a great day...