Saturday, November 18, 2006

Today's 3 Things In No Particular Order

I am crazy glad for the Jazz having a good season this year. They have the best record in the nation. In the nation. And they look good. I would be excited to be able to paint another Jazz emblem on my front window like I did during the NBA finals in 1997. Or maybe on my roof like one of my other friends did.

I am unbelievably grateful that Cooper gets up and gladly gets his uniform on to go to school. He is such a good little kindergartener. Today I got a little misty when I was trying to explain to Bart how amazing it is that all of our kids are healthy. I shake my head in wonder when Ryan sits down and does her geometry homework at the kitchen table. And Chase's teacher tells me that he reads way above his grade level.

I am super happy that I don't have to work the day after Thanksgiving this year for the first time in 9 years. Don't think I haven't been out there in the middle of the night with people waiting in line to get into Walmart on the busiest shopping day of the year but I was out doing papers. I still don't really miss that too much.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Now you can get up at the crack of dawn and go SHOPPING!