Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's November 12 and I'm watching The Grinch on TV

Life has been a little strange these past few days. I mean, the Utah Jazz are on a winning streak. Those words have been infrequently used in this state for the past few years and it feels really good. Right now, they are 6-1. The best in the country.

Maybe we had better celebrate while we can.

Yes, I did actually agree to start working at a place of business. Bart's business to be specific. Don't think I didn't think long and hard about it. But I came up with 5 good reasons to do it and I didn't come up with any horrific feelings about committing other than my regular anxiety. Hence, the new job.

One of the most important reason is that I believe that Cooper will really benefit from being pulled out of his 27 child kindergarten class and put in this new school. There is only 20 kids, with uniforms, elongated school day, traditional track and hopefully a little more structure for our wayward child. Today was the primary program at church where all the kids under 12 performed for the adults. My mother was the first to say what we were all thinking as we watched the blonde haired boy completely disregard the program at hand and literally dance to his own tune. Cooper could use a little more discipline in his life. I hope he likes it. I will not be able to make him go somewhere that he absolutely hates. Right now he has no problem getting up and going to school. I need that to continue in order to make this work.

But it goes both ways. I have to have this job in order to pay for this school.

Do you see all that blank space above? I really have more to say but Bart is sitting right next to me and has edited me down. I suppose that is part of letting him be my boss.

Although this morning he did say something funny to me.
"I never thought I would be the one to say this but I kindof like sleeping with the secretary."

I think I will send out a memo on Monday to let everyone know my position is office manager.

1 comment:

Jen said...

You totally need business cards.