Friday, April 14, 2006


I have 6 blogs that I habitually check on every day to see what is going on with them. Some of these writers are consistent daily writers, some are not. It is like a random prize if all have updated in one day. However, today none, nobody, not one single one had posted to their blogs. So I have to carry the weight for all of us today.

I don't know if a Chase story is enough content for the 7 of us.

The kids, the dog and I went for a walk/bike ride with another family of kids on Sunday. We decided to walk on a city trail that is very popular and it was a beautiful day so we knew it would be busy. We were walking along the secondary water canal and when we finally stopped at a park, the older kids found themselves in the water. I was so happy that they had stopped complaining about where we were going that I didn't care. Ryan and Chase were both wearing jeans and they were completely soaked. On the way back Chase, wet up to his shirt hem, was walking with my friend and I and her 3 year old daughter. Everytime somebody would pass by on their roller blades, bikes or feet Chase would greet them. "Whatzup?" He would shout with his arms outstretched and a grin on his face. It was fun to watch the expressions of people and then their subsequent actions. Most people would greet him back. Some would only laugh. Some would look him in the eye and talk to him. He was so proud of himself for getting them to talk back to him. We also have that proud feeling when we get the trucker's to honk their horns at our car. We told Chase he looked like he had peed his pants and they were just feeling sorry for him. "That poor little mentally challenged boy who had peed his pants on his walk and was talking to everyone on the way home." He maintained his attitude and his actions. We passed a grandma and a grandpa and they laughed with us for a moment after Chase's greeting. It was a sunny day and everybody was just happy to be outdoors. We had walked a long way and it took us four a long time to get back to the starting point because the 3 year old decided she wasn't going to walk or ride her big wheel that we now had to carry as well. As we reached the parking lot where our cars were, there were the grandma and grandpa again coming around for a second time. They were coming toward us. Flanking Chase, all of the sudden, the grandpa jumped in front of Chase, arms outstretched and yelled "WHATZUP?" Chase maybe at that time did truly pee his pants, all the other kids who had been far in front of us were shocked into silence but the three of us (my friend, the grandma and I) just laughed uproariously. Boys will be boys even when they are grandpas.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love that. Thank you for carrying the update torch yesterday. :)