Monday, April 10, 2006

12 seconds of New York City fame for the Petersons

1. Towers that were in the “Ghostbusters” movie where the keymaster and the gatekeeper lived. 2. The bull statue on Wall Street that was in the movie “Hitch”

3. The office building where it all started for Will Smith in MIB.
4. Mike Myers walking across the street when our caravan was stopped at the red light. Nobody had the guts or the quickness to roll down the window and call out “Mike!” but I know it was him. He walked like Shrek.

5. The area in Central Park where the pigeon lady talked to McCullay Culkin in “Home Alone.”
6. Rockfeller Center ice skating rink that was still open to skaters where John Cusack laid down on the ice in “Serendipity.”
7. The Washington Bridge where Kate and Mathew shot scenes on the weekends for “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” Shalene’s father is a bridge inspector and was there on the bridge for all the shooting. He has confirmed that Mathew is not just a hottie, but a pleasant young man.
8. The U.N. building which looked exactly like it did in “The Interpreter”….or did the building in “The Interpreter” look exactly like the U.N. building?
9. We were up on top of the Empire State Building. I wanted to pretend that I was right smack dab in the middle of “Sleepless of Seattle.” I wanted to look around for Tom Hanks and pretend that he was looking for me as well. However, I have to say that unless there is a secret service elevator it was not shot up there. There is no elevator that comes straight out onto the open deck of the Empire State Building. How disappointing.
10. Macy’s store windows where Will Ferrell and his green elf suit showed us the meaning of Christmas.
11. Of course, we talked about X-men and the Statue of Liberty part of the movie but mostly we talked about Hugh Jackman.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I LOVED this post. And check out your sassy hair!!!

Sounds like you guys had a marvelous trip!!!

Could Ryan look anymore like you? Honestly! All of your kids are your spitting image!