Monday, April 24, 2006

It's official!

1. My last day working for USA TODAY is OFFICIALLY May 4th. I become a full time nanny and a maid for my husband after that.
2. My husband OFFICIALLY has a spending problem. He bought another gun after promising me no more simply because his man friend was buying one and he didn't want to be the only husband in West Jordan not getting any. Compassion, my friends, compassion.
3. I am OFFICIALLY a prude. This week at 12 year old girl soccer practice I unintentionally eavesdropped on conversations about April 20th being the OFFICIAL Get High Day. These were kids that were not on the soccer team but they were there watching their friend who is our goalie. These kids are 12. And they were either acting real big to impress or they really were high the entire day at school. I also was privy to the dialogue between another team player and my very own "sweet" daughter. Some of the girls were playing around being geeks and pulling up their shorts as high as Napoleon Dynamite. They were being called "cameltoes" by the other 12 year young girls. Ryan innocently guffawed at that not knowing what that meant. And then the other 6th grade girls laughed at her for not knowing what it meant. The team was called out to another drill before they shared the true meaning of the term with Ryan. 6TH GRADE! I am officially and now publicly disgusted.
4. I have OFFICIALLY signed up for my first quilting class ever. Starting on May 4th, I will start learning how to actually put together the 500 quilting squares that I cut from my missionary dresses back in Thailand over 10 years ago. Procrastination, my friends, procrastination. I am excited!
Anything you would like to officially declare today? This is the place.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I had to ask my husband what cameltoes was. Thanks. How do YOU know what that is?

More than 15 years ago, my dear. We are old.