Friday, June 09, 2006

Our 4th Child

Our puppy is losing all of his baby teeth right now. Like a tooth a day. We all feel so bad for him. But I am the only one feeding him aspirin with ham wrapped around it. Just call me Florence Nightindog.

He did actually go downstairs to the basement on his own for the first time last Tuesday. It was quite a day for him. I had read that puppies grow into their depth perception which made me feel better about his hesitation. Since labs do have a common defect of hip displacement both Bart and I have been watching his hind quarters as Friday walks around, stands up and runs. It was good to see him take to the stairs although now I have to worry about two floors of furniture that look like teething rings to the dog.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Blogger has been very bad about letting me comment, but I have been reading. I loved your reincarnation post so much.

We are coming out on the 20th and will be there until July 3rd. And Caloden is really really coming, too, on the 22nd (day after Matt's birthday).

I am going to email Dooce and request a playdate.