Friday, May 16, 2008

Meet the girls

This is Bart's chicken who we have named Big Red. It is a little hard to tell but she is really red and she is one of the larger girls.

Meet my chick named Matilda. She is the one who we have had to put on suicide watch so Owen Wilson may be an appropriate nickname for her. She is always trying to get out of the box and if you are holding her she is trying her darnedest to get away and fall to her death. She has really pretty detail in her wings.

This is Pipsqueak. She is the smallest of the bunch. Of course, Ryan picked the most different chicken. Pipsqueak is bred to be small in stature as well as have the smallest eggs ever. Pipsqueak is also from a straight run which means that we don't know whether she is a girl or boy yet. Please, please, please let her be a girl!

Next we have Chase's chicken Checker. What awesome alliteration! He is named for a move in Lacrosse, the sport that Chase is immersed in day and night at the moment. When we put Checker out in the back yard she went straight to the Lacrosse net. Kidding. The girls have not made it out of the their self imposed 4 x 4 area out there yet. And they sleep like the dead when they get put back in their box.

This ugly chick is Sarah's who is Ryan's friend and goes most everywhere with our family. She named it Llama because it will end up having a mohawk and you can already see that the hair is different everywhere than the other chicks. Llama has hair down her feet. We might end up getting her lazer treatments because poop really sticks to it and she looks a mess. Always.

Finally let me introduce Cooper's Supersize. Cooper came up with this name all by himself and it is very fitting. Supersize is a good size bird. She likes to walk around the box and if there is a chick in her way she simply walks right over it.

I know that Disney has really humanized these birds and they really have a pea sized brain. I think about that while I wile away time watching them peck and scratch but I like a girl who is focused on just a few things and does a really good job at them. And believe me these chicks have eating and pooping down.

Besides their peeping and cheeping and beeping is very pleasant to be around.

1 comment:

Bridge said...

I'm loving your chicks! And I'm also loving your new blogger look. And maybe, just maybe, Owen requested that you watch him while we travel this summer. Either because he loves you or he is enamored with your chicks. Maybe.