Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April's Goals

For reasons that will be revealed later this month I am going to blog every day this month. I may regret this move. Simply because I do not need the guilt of failing but this may also be something that I can fall back on.

I have many things to blog about. Certainly I do. I haven't posted in almost a month.
I will definitely be talking about vampires. Hot vampires.

There is no doubt I will have something to say about my writer's workshop I am conducting in my kindergarten class.

How could I not write about my next year's assignment? Well, I should be figuring out what it will be during this month so I am sure there will be room for it.

I would like to share a few observations on working for USA TODAY.

And as stated before, I could use this forum to discuss, whine and cry about the reason that I need to blog every day instead of something else that I have been doing every day.

If there is anything else you would like spoken of, feel free to leave a comment.

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