My 54 day diet was the clincher apparently. Or just everybody knew that I definately needed to lose some poundage. Which I did........Which I do. Like I said in a previous post, most of my poundage stays out of sight out of mind on my backside and so I am able to continue my consistent phase of denial. However, as I started trying on summer clothes that I wanted to wear during the upcoming Vegas trip it was evident that the fat was starting to migrate forward.
So, I started out with a cleansing 3 day protein diet with Krissy. (Like her little ass needs any dieting, ha!) for more information.
And then I just started paring down my foods to the following:
Costco weight loss shakes
hard boiled eggs
tuna with mayonaise and pickles
chicken and spinach salad
Crystal Lite single servings
carrots, cauliflower and broccoli
These are the things that I consistently eat every day. Yes, I do go out to eat occasionally (especially with all the Jazz games going on) and I try to eat very little bread. I know. It is hard. And I fail while I am at restaurants but I just go right back to the diet the next day. I bring three things to work everyday so I have something to eat if I have to have something extra. I try to eat just two things before 2 pm and then of course, drink water. After the first week, my stomach had shrunk enough that I don't really crave anything for hunger. I still crave for boredom for sure. That is where the crystal lite single servings come in. I love them. They are my treat.
Now looking back on what I used to eat I realize how much piecing I did. How much I ate for boredom. And how much I ate for social outings. We are going out much less right now---like tonight. We are not going to go out eat because we are trying to lose weight. Bart and Chase ran the 3 mile FUN RUN at the school this morning so he does not want to go to the track wth me tonight. So I have to find something else fun to do for us AFTER we water the garden. I have not actively looked for a karaoke bar here in Salt Lake but nobody knows of any good ones. We currently don't have a patio to sit on and relax as we excavated it two weeks ago. The Jazz finally lost out to the San Antonio Spurs for the West Conference Finals. It is still too cold to go water skiing and I don't want to go fishing so here we sit. And we just rewatched the Underworld series the last couple of weeks. So please, please, help out with any suggestions you might have.
And if you do give me suggestions, I just might have to post again tomorrow. :)
I have seen some good movies lately:
1) the prestige
2) pan's labyrinth
3) blood diamond
4) the illusionist
5) the last king of scotland
I want to have an Edward Norton marathon, because I love him.
I think you and Bart may like The Departed, and Blood Diamond, The Prestige, and the Illusionist.
I am going to do your diet when Dereck leaves town for six weeks. When he gets back, I expect to be ravishing.
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