Thursday, June 07, 2007

Oh, what to do?

This past weekend my laptop




Hed and





Two hundred dollars later it is working again but there is no record of any files that had been on it before this weekend. A very powerful argument for journal blogging. Lately I have been wondering if I need to print off every year my posts and bind them into a physical journal. That could be given to somebody or put away for safe keeping. Pessimistically speaking, I don't think that computer access will be what we worried about at some point in our future. That is why we are making our kids help plant and care for the garden as well as dabble in My Space and other computer hobbies this summer. I don't know if that feeling just comes from my innate feeling of wanting to possess something. I just don't feel right if I don't have MY copy of a book I love sitting on MY shelf in MY house. I understand that is a "Kim" feeling so I am not sure if reproducing a paper version of my blog is catering to that or if people really do it.

And don't even say a word about the lack of posts this year or how small the book will be this year and you won't be able to read it without a microscope. Ha. Ha.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Don't worry-- your posts are all archived with blogger. If they had all been saved to your hard drive, then you would be screwed, LOL. And paper journals can burn in fires.